Tuesday, 22 September 2009


So I was reading a polish version of newsweek while taking a bath, and low and behold comes out that there is a polish escort review/advertisement community, just like the one that I get reviewed on. The article talked about how it is slowly changing the face of prostitution. It is going from being mostly operated by the mafia and on the street, to being run out of nice apartments and privatized. Which is a really good thing, it allows for the girls to be safer, cleaner, and much more client oriented, which of course leads to greater customer satisfaction and the willingness to spend more on the girl.

It also spoke about how even the time of the meetings has slightly changed. While prostitution's rush hours were more of a late night thing now they have changed to a lunch time thing. Many men in the upper part of the middle class now schedule for during their lunch break, allowing them to go back to work refreshed, stress free, and ready to take on the day. The men often believe that their frustration is sexual, even tho during a study done on the ones that have been caught using sexual services it was found that the stress they were experiencing was almost all work and home related. I guess they can't tell the difference, and it's much easier to get laid then it is to fix things up with the misses or stand up to your boss. Which I guess is good for me.

Good for you my homeland comrades, I am glad that you get the work in the same great conditions as I do. Good to know that if I ever decide to move back I can continue my work in the same fashion. Tho the article did also mention that the Ukrainian girls have much better reviews then the Polish ones, and that Mulato and Indian girls are the most in demand. I guess none of this would apply too much to me since I am just about American by now. It seems a bit funny to call myself that, but after twelve years and not much contact or interest in where I come from what else would you expect me to say.

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