Wednesday 23 December 2009


I did it, I did it, or I should say he did it, he did it! My patience has finally paid off. All this time spent reading that silly relationship, it couldn't be any worse then what i have been doing. Low and behold the damn thing actually works. A finally kissed me all on his own today. Phew, let me wipe the sweat off my forehead. It was a short kiss, and it only happened once, but it is still major progress. Especially for me, considering now I am definate that he is interested in me as more then just a friend. Now the next step is figuring out what that more is. I do hope it's not just booty, he doesn't seem the type, but one never knows and so the best thing is to assume that he is. Only way to find out is not to give it up and see how long he sticks around.

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