There has been so much that I have been meaning to write, but things were a bit hectic lately. I moved in with my sister and I am very happy about that. You will not find a cooler chic. I am still not fully settled in, we are working on making some more space for me since we are currently in a one bedroom apartment, so no at home booty calls for us, but it is very worth it.
When I first started escorting I of course thought about getting some f my girlfriends into it. A couple have jokingly, or desperately said maybe, but none of them have really taken me up it. Then there was my sister, after a year of being in the business myself I told her what it was that I was doing, and the next thing I know she joined in with an agency herself. After a couple months she decided it was not for her and that has been it for me bringing other people in, until now.
During a session with one of my beloved regulars he mentioned a fantasy that he has had for some time. The fantasy was pretty tame and i was totally up for making it a reality, I love pleasing my clients. The next chance I got to talk to N, my best friend, I asked him for his help, with a decent monetary incentive of course. I got the details ironed out for everybody and set the date. Things could not have worked out more perfectly. I made N arrive early so that we can get comfortable, and because I knew it would be very likely that he would be late (he was by ten minutes). The client arrived right on time, they introduced themselves, and we got going. I went down on N to get him hard and show off his large size while the John watched, listened, and pleasured himself. N and I switched to doggy and went at it, till he fake busted a nut. He took a shower and the John and I stayed behind to chat and have our own love making time.
He could not have been happier with how things went and I was beaming with pride for N and myself. Afterwards I met up with N at a bar and we celebrated with friends well into the next morning :)
Finding out what it's like to be an escort, and how well it works, or doesn't work for me.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Pain in my tush
I have just booked my hotel and train for tomorrow. I am so not looking forward to the four hours of travel that are awaiting me. Not even to mention all the walking that will be invloved. But it needs to be done, and I know that once I arrive my mood will change completely. There are parts of this job that are so easy and so pelasant (the sessions) and then others that are just a pain in the buttox (everything else). Especially since I no longer drive, funny, I have not been driving in a year and a half. Pretty impressive. I do miss the freedom, but I do not miss the crazy people that are on the road.
Other thing besides travel that I hate doing is writing my advertisements. It is such a pain to come up with some new, witty, clever, and seductive all at the same time. Of course the wad of money at the end is always helpful, unless I end up with cancelations like last week. I had 3 appointments booked and two of them canceled, well actually once canceled at the last minute (he didn't like the hotel) and the other was a NCNS. I hate it when I put all this work into something only to come out with barely making anything.
I have only been advertising on one board recently, but I am starting to think that needs to change. So here goes nothing, aka me trying out another board.
Other thing besides travel that I hate doing is writing my advertisements. It is such a pain to come up with some new, witty, clever, and seductive all at the same time. Of course the wad of money at the end is always helpful, unless I end up with cancelations like last week. I had 3 appointments booked and two of them canceled, well actually once canceled at the last minute (he didn't like the hotel) and the other was a NCNS. I hate it when I put all this work into something only to come out with barely making anything.
I have only been advertising on one board recently, but I am starting to think that needs to change. So here goes nothing, aka me trying out another board.
Wednesday, 17 August 2011
My birthday
My birthday just passed and I am doing my best not to dwell on the fact that I am now closer to 30 then I am to 20.
The celebrating went well. Spent the day with a close girlfriend sipping Mimosas, and the evening with a very nice fella, it was our first date. This was a civilian date, tho if you think about it really what is the difference, he had to pay for dinner, drinks, etc. After dinner we went back to my place, played a board game, and were picking a movie to watch. The good times were ruined when H decided to start texting me with insults. It is really sad that he is incapable of understanding that I want nothing to do with him, but this time he took things too far. He decided to start calling me a whore, and not just a whore but a mediocre one, since I have no ass and my tits aren't that big. A totally different song then he was singing when we were together. If I had been sober at the time of receiving these messages I would have just shrugged it off to him being a pathetic loser, but since I was not sober I took it to heart and got really upset. I called my best friend N and told him about it and he said he'll reach out to him and tell him to stop, but in the end he got mad at me for getting him involved in the drama.
I'm over it now, truly, but at the time it did bother the hell out of me, and it hurt. This was the second time in my life that someone has called me a whore out of malice. The first was when I was a dancer in San Francisco, and it also made me cry. I guess whore is just not a term that I am fond of, funny since Cunt is one of my favorite words.
Well I finally figured out how to block phone numbers on my phone and he is officially blocked. Fuck you very much.
On another note my date was really sweet. When the whole thing went down and I felt myself becoming hysterical I asked him to leave, and not only did he do so without arguing he even took the liquor with him when I wasn't looking so that I don't drink more and make shit worse. Or maybe he just wanted it for himself, who knows. Once I caught my breath again, calmed down, and decided that I do not want to end my birthday on such a crappy note I called him and asked if he'd be interested in picking me up and hanging out at his place instead, and so he did.
He's very nice, a perfect gentleman, handsome, and seems to have his shit together. Probably all the years he has spent in the police and military, and by all the years I really do mean a big chunk of change. Which brings in a slight problem. When I first met him I assumed that he was in his mid 30s, yet it turns out that I was off by a decade. I wish that this did not pose an issue but it does. Last time I dated someone with whom I had such a big age gap they treated me like a puppy. So now of course I am afraid that this may happen again, I am even more reluctant because I did tell him of my profession, I do believe in being honest and am not ashamed of what I do. So now I may just be the chic that he gets to fuck for free while others pay. Yes I spent the night with him, and yes we did fuck multiple times, the next day he took me home in the afternoon and I have not heard from him since. I just made that sound like a bad thing, it isn't. It has only been 24 hours. I would truly not care too much if he never called me again, though it might be awkward since I did apply for a job at the bar that we first met at, and I know that he frequents the establishment. I am not actively looking for a man, especially not one that is so much older then me, since the likelihood that anything long term will occur is slim. If someone decides to pursue me, like he did, and the spark is there then I am all for giving it a shot just to see.
I'm not longer sure where I was going with this, so in the end all I have left to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
The celebrating went well. Spent the day with a close girlfriend sipping Mimosas, and the evening with a very nice fella, it was our first date. This was a civilian date, tho if you think about it really what is the difference, he had to pay for dinner, drinks, etc. After dinner we went back to my place, played a board game, and were picking a movie to watch. The good times were ruined when H decided to start texting me with insults. It is really sad that he is incapable of understanding that I want nothing to do with him, but this time he took things too far. He decided to start calling me a whore, and not just a whore but a mediocre one, since I have no ass and my tits aren't that big. A totally different song then he was singing when we were together. If I had been sober at the time of receiving these messages I would have just shrugged it off to him being a pathetic loser, but since I was not sober I took it to heart and got really upset. I called my best friend N and told him about it and he said he'll reach out to him and tell him to stop, but in the end he got mad at me for getting him involved in the drama.
I'm over it now, truly, but at the time it did bother the hell out of me, and it hurt. This was the second time in my life that someone has called me a whore out of malice. The first was when I was a dancer in San Francisco, and it also made me cry. I guess whore is just not a term that I am fond of, funny since Cunt is one of my favorite words.
Well I finally figured out how to block phone numbers on my phone and he is officially blocked. Fuck you very much.
On another note my date was really sweet. When the whole thing went down and I felt myself becoming hysterical I asked him to leave, and not only did he do so without arguing he even took the liquor with him when I wasn't looking so that I don't drink more and make shit worse. Or maybe he just wanted it for himself, who knows. Once I caught my breath again, calmed down, and decided that I do not want to end my birthday on such a crappy note I called him and asked if he'd be interested in picking me up and hanging out at his place instead, and so he did.
He's very nice, a perfect gentleman, handsome, and seems to have his shit together. Probably all the years he has spent in the police and military, and by all the years I really do mean a big chunk of change. Which brings in a slight problem. When I first met him I assumed that he was in his mid 30s, yet it turns out that I was off by a decade. I wish that this did not pose an issue but it does. Last time I dated someone with whom I had such a big age gap they treated me like a puppy. So now of course I am afraid that this may happen again, I am even more reluctant because I did tell him of my profession, I do believe in being honest and am not ashamed of what I do. So now I may just be the chic that he gets to fuck for free while others pay. Yes I spent the night with him, and yes we did fuck multiple times, the next day he took me home in the afternoon and I have not heard from him since. I just made that sound like a bad thing, it isn't. It has only been 24 hours. I would truly not care too much if he never called me again, though it might be awkward since I did apply for a job at the bar that we first met at, and I know that he frequents the establishment. I am not actively looking for a man, especially not one that is so much older then me, since the likelihood that anything long term will occur is slim. If someone decides to pursue me, like he did, and the spark is there then I am all for giving it a shot just to see.
I'm not longer sure where I was going with this, so in the end all I have left to say is HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Brotherly love
I'm more like a vulture far from a dove, don't you mistake this Pa, this is not love. It's lust, no cuddles or hugs, this is for the floor and rugs.
I was recently discussing friendships between men and women. The general opinion is that they are unrealistic because one person will always catch feelings and things will get screwed up. I have been proving this wrong for the last 8 years or more. My best friend, N, and I are like twins that just bust and pick on one another, and like two gay dudes that randomly fuck. Before I go on I want you to think about whom did I just insult more, N for saying he's gay or myself for calling myself a dude? Of course there are feelings in our relationship, I love the kid to death and would give him a kidney if need be. Other then my parents and sister he is on the top of my list of all human beings. Would I ever want to date him? Hell fucking no, he is so not what I am looking for in that department, besides I tower over him when I wear high heels.
Well I also have a couple other guy friends in the same group, and one of them just hit on me for the first time this weekend. DUM Dum dum.
I was recently discussing friendships between men and women. The general opinion is that they are unrealistic because one person will always catch feelings and things will get screwed up. I have been proving this wrong for the last 8 years or more. My best friend, N, and I are like twins that just bust and pick on one another, and like two gay dudes that randomly fuck. Before I go on I want you to think about whom did I just insult more, N for saying he's gay or myself for calling myself a dude? Of course there are feelings in our relationship, I love the kid to death and would give him a kidney if need be. Other then my parents and sister he is on the top of my list of all human beings. Would I ever want to date him? Hell fucking no, he is so not what I am looking for in that department, besides I tower over him when I wear high heels.
Well I also have a couple other guy friends in the same group, and one of them just hit on me for the first time this weekend. DUM Dum dum.
Sunday, 31 July 2011
I just read an article on cheating men in Harper's Bazaar by Jackie Collins. She talks about men in Hollywood who cheat and think they can get away with it, and how despicable it is. It is a woman's magazine and so of course it is one sided. Before I go on I am not saying that cheating is normal, or excusable. If you make a commitment and a promise to a person then you should be man enough to stick to it. If you are incapable of doing so then don't make it in the first place. At the same time as a woman if you get comfortable and no longer consider your mans sexual needs to be important then what do you expect to happen? When I put my last boyfriend on a no sex ban (I believed he was trying to get me pregnant against my well declared wishes) I would not have been surprised if he had gone out and gotten some pussy somewhere else, nor would I have held it against him. To be quite honest I had gone out and gotten some strange a few times myself simply because the sex that we were having was not satisfying me. Not everyone can be a spectacular lover. Just that I am smart enough to keep my mouth shut and not get caught. Now that we are no longer I have contemplated telling him, but decided it is best to let sleeping dogs lie.
If you marry a guy that is known as a notorious playboy then what do you expect to happen? A leopard can't change his spots into zebra stripes just because you wish it so. If you use sex as bargaining chip then he will grow to resent you for it. If you let yourself go and turn into a slob then you can't expect him to still find you attractive just because of the love you share. Men are visual creatures, and as Augustine pointed out the male sexual organ's have a strong urge to live it's own life, resulting in a conflict between body and soul. These things are not new, they have been occurring since the beginning if time. In ancient Rome, yeah 60B.C. the orator and statesman Cicero argued "Anyone who thinks young men ought to be forbidden affairs with prostitutes is certainly very ignorant of the freedom of our time, and indeed not in harmony with the customs of our ancestors. Name any epoch when this was nit normal. When was such behavior ever censured or forbidden? These things have always been allowed. Prostitution is a legally sanctioned privilege.". Allah was in support of sexual urges as long as they did not threaten society. African tribes commonly practiced polygamy. It was not until Christianity that monogamy became the expected norm. In the beginning even the Pope Sixtus IV was making money off of hookers by taxing them. The Japanese had Yoshiwara, a whole city devoted to prostitution. So why are we so offended now by men that stray?
If you marry a guy that is known as a notorious playboy then what do you expect to happen? A leopard can't change his spots into zebra stripes just because you wish it so. If you use sex as bargaining chip then he will grow to resent you for it. If you let yourself go and turn into a slob then you can't expect him to still find you attractive just because of the love you share. Men are visual creatures, and as Augustine pointed out the male sexual organ's have a strong urge to live it's own life, resulting in a conflict between body and soul. These things are not new, they have been occurring since the beginning if time. In ancient Rome, yeah 60B.C. the orator and statesman Cicero argued "Anyone who thinks young men ought to be forbidden affairs with prostitutes is certainly very ignorant of the freedom of our time, and indeed not in harmony with the customs of our ancestors. Name any epoch when this was nit normal. When was such behavior ever censured or forbidden? These things have always been allowed. Prostitution is a legally sanctioned privilege.". Allah was in support of sexual urges as long as they did not threaten society. African tribes commonly practiced polygamy. It was not until Christianity that monogamy became the expected norm. In the beginning even the Pope Sixtus IV was making money off of hookers by taxing them. The Japanese had Yoshiwara, a whole city devoted to prostitution. So why are we so offended now by men that stray?
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
More working less whining
I do spend a decent amount of time reading the board. It started out because it was fun conversation, now I am holding on by strings in hopes of any conversation. Yet I still read, and more and more I shake my head. Often at the hobbyists, but almost as often at the other providers. Here are some tips as to how to stay afloat on the Internet.
1. Men are like dogs, they can smell fear and they can smell desperation. If you hit at desperation even in the slightest, then yes maybe one or two of your regulars will feel bad for you and book, but everybody else will secretly laugh and move on to the next girl. There is nothing attractive in desperation. All last minute discounts do is make guys wait for the next time you run a special. Worse off, making a public post about how you are not booking is plain stupid, watch yourself book even less now. It just makes you look like a whiner, which brings me to my next point.
2. Do not whine. Do not bitch and complain about how tough this job is, and how so much more goes into it then people think. If you don't like it then get out of it, learn a real skill or trade and do that. Guys don't want to hear your bitching and moaning, if they liked listening to that shit then they'd be hanging out with their wife. My mom yells at my dad for vacuuming while she is dusting, if he were ever to go and see a hooker he would be doing it to get some peace and quiet, and not have to hoax the chic into sex. That is your job, to be the escape.
3. If you really feel the need to say something that may break the fantasy, think about it, type it out slowly, and read it over at least twice before posting. Is it really that important that you feel the need to shutter some guys dream? Personally I rely on being witty. I make jokes and snide comments, as well as trying to be helpful. I stick up for the guys because this business is about them, not me.
1. Men are like dogs, they can smell fear and they can smell desperation. If you hit at desperation even in the slightest, then yes maybe one or two of your regulars will feel bad for you and book, but everybody else will secretly laugh and move on to the next girl. There is nothing attractive in desperation. All last minute discounts do is make guys wait for the next time you run a special. Worse off, making a public post about how you are not booking is plain stupid, watch yourself book even less now. It just makes you look like a whiner, which brings me to my next point.
2. Do not whine. Do not bitch and complain about how tough this job is, and how so much more goes into it then people think. If you don't like it then get out of it, learn a real skill or trade and do that. Guys don't want to hear your bitching and moaning, if they liked listening to that shit then they'd be hanging out with their wife. My mom yells at my dad for vacuuming while she is dusting, if he were ever to go and see a hooker he would be doing it to get some peace and quiet, and not have to hoax the chic into sex. That is your job, to be the escape.
3. If you really feel the need to say something that may break the fantasy, think about it, type it out slowly, and read it over at least twice before posting. Is it really that important that you feel the need to shutter some guys dream? Personally I rely on being witty. I make jokes and snide comments, as well as trying to be helpful. I stick up for the guys because this business is about them, not me.
Monday, 25 July 2011
Hot hot heat
Yesterday I decided that I want to go for a walk, just because. Since I was talking to a friend at the time I invited him along. We walked a total of 3 blocks and stopped on a footbridge over a creek. We talked, watched for fish in the water, and all was gravy until my vision started going blurry. Then my head started to get dizzy, and my legs were dissaperaing from under me. Since I felt it would be better to give a warning that I may faint I spoke up. A simple "I don't feel good" did the job. My friend was by my side telling me to breath, drink water (I already had the bottle in my hand) and sit down. I didn't sit until my vision went completely black. That was when I really started to panic and finally went down on my knees. Hahahahaha, now thinking about it, that is the first time that I have gotten down on my knees in front of him without going down on him. :) Anyways, I finally regained my sight, caught up with my breathing, and was able to stand back up. I was tired for the rest of the day, at night I slept like a baby. All is well that ends well, but that scared the crap out of me. I am staying out of the heat, and out of the sun.
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
I am having a closet meltdown. I am on the verge of going through it and picking out the pieces that I really love and not just pieces that I own out of convenience. Sooooooooooooo many of my clothes I still have from high school, luckily they fit. My extreme sense of style then translated into things that are either classics or come back often enough that they keep working out time after time. Yet most of it is just junk. Torn up shirts, becuase they were so lame something had to be done to them. Actually screw writing this. I'm going through my closet.
P.S. That was quick. Though there is a lot in storage. But I just cut my shirt count in half. Then again there is a dryer full.
P.S. That was quick. Though there is a lot in storage. But I just cut my shirt count in half. Then again there is a dryer full.
Sunday, 3 July 2011
I remember when I first started and I trully believed that this profession was all about freedom, and "no strings attached". Everyone knows the Charlie Sheen line about not paying them to have sex but paying them to leave. Boy is that a joke. While I will say that the majority of guys are pretty nonchalant, it is not a staggering majority. There are quite a few gents out there that want that little bit extra, that feeling of being extra special. From frequent messages, which are often genuine, to private questions and revelations, which tend to be prying. I am not here to psycho analyze or judge, so I will not go in the direction of why.
It sometimes is fun, if the gent is fun. They watch for boundaries and try not to cross them. It's sometimes tiresome, and every once in a while it is just rude. I had recently had a date who was very nice, but it was an outcall and his location was not the cleanest. If I was his real girlfriend I would have put some gloves on and scrubbed the place down with bleach. I had made a special trip for him on the first time. Just the person I am, I aim to please. Unfortunately it ended up being a mistake, because he started requesting special treatment every time. He had asked me to see him on my days off, to stay with him longer for nothing extra, or just straight up discounts. When I would tell him that I was unavailable he would ask if I had any girlfriends, so I attmempted getting him in touch with an agency and a provider friend, he shut down both. I eventually told him not to speak to me anymore, I do not need to feel dread when dealing with my work. I like to keep it positive and enjoy it. Out with the bad.
It sometimes is fun, if the gent is fun. They watch for boundaries and try not to cross them. It's sometimes tiresome, and every once in a while it is just rude. I had recently had a date who was very nice, but it was an outcall and his location was not the cleanest. If I was his real girlfriend I would have put some gloves on and scrubbed the place down with bleach. I had made a special trip for him on the first time. Just the person I am, I aim to please. Unfortunately it ended up being a mistake, because he started requesting special treatment every time. He had asked me to see him on my days off, to stay with him longer for nothing extra, or just straight up discounts. When I would tell him that I was unavailable he would ask if I had any girlfriends, so I attmempted getting him in touch with an agency and a provider friend, he shut down both. I eventually told him not to speak to me anymore, I do not need to feel dread when dealing with my work. I like to keep it positive and enjoy it. Out with the bad.
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Thursday, 26 May 2011
This isn't probably something that I should post on the internet, but since I am not going to go through with it why not wonder about it publically.
H asked me to marry him. There is nothing romantic about this gesture, just like most of everything about him it is stricly business. He wants to go back to the army, and if he is married he will get paid a bunch more. He does not trust many people, or hardly any for that matter, but of course he trusts me, funny. Not that he would have any reason not to, I would never do anything with his money behind his back. So he wants me to marry him and help him stack money. When I asked what is in it for me, he said what ever I want within reason. Things that will definitely be in it for me are health benefits, citizenship, and a steady income. If you like at it from such a dry point of view it is not a bad deal. He would be in the service, shipped off somewhere, he wants to go to Korea, but will probably end up in Afghanistan even more crazy then he already is. I wouldn't even have to see him unless I really, really wanted to. I could do what ever I want. I could get another internship in manhattan, maybe for Nylon.
Yet every time I think about it I feel like I am talking myself into it. I simply can not marry as a buisness arrangement. I somehow have too much respect for what marriage is supposed to be to do that. I think the reason that I say I will never marry is because I do not believe that I will find someone that I can make that kind of commitment to. My dad always told me, if you don't like it then get out.
H asked me to marry him. There is nothing romantic about this gesture, just like most of everything about him it is stricly business. He wants to go back to the army, and if he is married he will get paid a bunch more. He does not trust many people, or hardly any for that matter, but of course he trusts me, funny. Not that he would have any reason not to, I would never do anything with his money behind his back. So he wants me to marry him and help him stack money. When I asked what is in it for me, he said what ever I want within reason. Things that will definitely be in it for me are health benefits, citizenship, and a steady income. If you like at it from such a dry point of view it is not a bad deal. He would be in the service, shipped off somewhere, he wants to go to Korea, but will probably end up in Afghanistan even more crazy then he already is. I wouldn't even have to see him unless I really, really wanted to. I could do what ever I want. I could get another internship in manhattan, maybe for Nylon.
Yet every time I think about it I feel like I am talking myself into it. I simply can not marry as a buisness arrangement. I somehow have too much respect for what marriage is supposed to be to do that. I think the reason that I say I will never marry is because I do not believe that I will find someone that I can make that kind of commitment to. My dad always told me, if you don't like it then get out.
Friday, 20 May 2011
There usually is a certain procedure to one of my dates. A call. Waiting by the door and looking out the peep hole. A knock, a hug, a kiss. Close the door move into the room. Undress and move to the bed. High school like make out session. The gentleman going down on me until I come. I go down on them gently, then intensly, and gently again. Keep going till they say they want to fuck or they finish in my mouth. If they want to fuck I grab a rubber and hop on top. Eventually we flip into missionary and then into doggie. A couple of good thrusts and they are done. We cuddle, we chat, I blather, and then it is time to clean up and get dressed.
Repeats are so much easier.
Repeats are so much easier.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Stranger in my house
It's weird. I used to hate sleeping next to people, and for the most part I still do. If I woke up with after a bringing a guy back home I would be pissed if he was still in my bed in the morning. Same as if I went back to someone else's house at night I would come back home. Yet during the time that I was with H I liked sleeping next to him. I hate cuddling, yet I would fall asleep with my head on his chest, and if I moved away from him he would grab a hold of me and in his sleep ask me where I was going, and it felt good. This weekend I spent the night with A. Being with him is always a pleasure, and the sex gets better with just about every time. By now he knows what I like and he likes it as well. It's hard, and rough, and dirty, and afterwards we just fell asleep on top of the covers. Then something unusual happened, I was gently woken up by him pulling a blanket over the both of us. It wasn't the fact that he got a blanket for us, that was normal and expected, it was a bit chilly, what was new was the tenderness that he had done it with. Throughout the night he would spoon with me, and in the morning the look in his eyes was an adoring one. He was sweet, like really sweet, like kiss you on the forehead kind of sweet, though I do not remember him doing so. When I caught him staring at me for a bit after we had sex again I asked him what he was thinking and he said that my hair is so soft and he now understand how Rumpelstiltskin could have thought that one can turn blonde hair into gold. We went out for breakfast before he took me home.
Now it's not that I want A to fall in love with me, I mean if he did decide to pursue me I would not object, but I had tried to seduce him before and it backfired on me so I have given up on anything serious with the man. It was the sensation of being with someone that cares, that wants you there, that wants you period. I have played the cold lonely bitch for a long time, and I still do. I don't have a problem with it, or at least it does not come up in my head, at least not until I get a glimpse of the other side, at which time I once again become nostalgic. Maybe nostalgic is not the right word, not like I have been in a sweet, caring relationship ever before. Well maybe other then H, he did care and he did love me, and I him.
Sucks, I started out this post feeling lovely, I am ending it feeling lonely. Aaliyah is probably not helping.
Now it's not that I want A to fall in love with me, I mean if he did decide to pursue me I would not object, but I had tried to seduce him before and it backfired on me so I have given up on anything serious with the man. It was the sensation of being with someone that cares, that wants you there, that wants you period. I have played the cold lonely bitch for a long time, and I still do. I don't have a problem with it, or at least it does not come up in my head, at least not until I get a glimpse of the other side, at which time I once again become nostalgic. Maybe nostalgic is not the right word, not like I have been in a sweet, caring relationship ever before. Well maybe other then H, he did care and he did love me, and I him.
Sucks, I started out this post feeling lovely, I am ending it feeling lonely. Aaliyah is probably not helping.
Friday, 6 May 2011
Love for money is my sin
any man calls I'll let him in. Rose is my color and white. Pretty mouth, green my eyes. I've seen men come and go. The devil will collect my soul.
Dear god, life ain't kind. People getting born then dyin.
I think it is the end of me being at the club. Tonight was my last night. I can not see myself going back there. It fucking sucks because I am so not ready to give up yet.
Dear god, life ain't kind. People getting born then dyin.
I think it is the end of me being at the club. Tonight was my last night. I can not see myself going back there. It fucking sucks because I am so not ready to give up yet.
Monday, 18 April 2011
The roman way
Yesterday was the annual toga party. The weather was rather crappy, as in it was pouring all day but we did not allow a little water ruin the fun. I made myself a very simple toga, that opened up in the back like a hospital gown. My ass did come uncovered on a couple occasions, but that is what cute panties are for, plus the easy access was unbeatable. things started out slow, but once the beer pong table came out everyone started getting it in. Once again my jungle juice was a success, and successfully got people ridiculously drunk. Blaze even puked a bunch of it up in the living room, then continued to drag his puke covered ass all over the couch. When a girl tried to help him he swung on her and kept on swinging at the people that then carried him out of the house. Since we never did organize the jello wrestling like we had planned some of the girls were disappointed and decided to just get it on without the jello. That was fun, should be some video footage floating around of that. One chick whooped everyones ass and is the reigning champ. My highlight of the evening started pretty late. Since I have already banged everyone in my circle of friends that I am interested in having relations with it was the night to recycle.
I picked my first victim, the choice was rather obvious. The sexy football player looking teacher with a splendid cock. The party was still in full swing, but I was horny as all hell. I grazed my hand across his cock and told him to follow me. I walked out the back door of the house, into the back yard, and behind the shed, with him only a couple of steps behind me. He didn't have to be told much else, he spread my toga, pulled down my panties and started going at it. It was perfect. My feet were sliding around in the mud, my underwear was no longer wearable since it fell all the way to the ground, and I was in heaven because I finally got naughty, and you must admit that fucking behind a shed in the mud is rather naughty. Then it was on to the next adventure.
People started leaving, but one guy was sure to stay behind a little while longer. The older one of the brothers that share notches on my bed post. He had enjoyed watching me on my knees, scrubbing the floor after Blazes performance, and all I had to do was look into his eyes to know that he wanted a piece. Plus I was still extremely horny myself. Off to the bathroom we go, lock the door, and I drop to my knees for him again, this time to suck his cock. It was all really quick but we managed to squeeze in a couple of positions before someone started knocking on the door. He finished in my mouth, I gave him a big smile as I swallowed.
After I walk out I go straight for my friends bedroom, where I find one of my girlfriends all by herself with the lights off. Next thing I know I am licking her breasts, and biting her nipples, as my finger starts to slide inside her. It has been many years since I have eaten vag, and I did not remember it being so salty, but it was still oh so fucking sexy. She pulled out a nice glass dildo and some lube. I took turns fucking her pussy and her ass with it. We went at it for a good half an hour. Afterwards people started walking into the room, and I fell asleep.
My best buddy was not too happy about all of this since with me passed out in his bed he couldn't get any fucking done himself. Not that my unconscious body has stopped him before. So once everyone left this morning I gave him an apologetic blow job, which turned into some good old fucking, of course. He is still the largest cock that I have ever been with, and that is saying a lot. I think it was at this point that I realized my insatiable appetite, and that I had beat my own records of sluttyness that evening. Seriously, four partners in a matter of twelve hours? I think I deserve an award.
I picked my first victim, the choice was rather obvious. The sexy football player looking teacher with a splendid cock. The party was still in full swing, but I was horny as all hell. I grazed my hand across his cock and told him to follow me. I walked out the back door of the house, into the back yard, and behind the shed, with him only a couple of steps behind me. He didn't have to be told much else, he spread my toga, pulled down my panties and started going at it. It was perfect. My feet were sliding around in the mud, my underwear was no longer wearable since it fell all the way to the ground, and I was in heaven because I finally got naughty, and you must admit that fucking behind a shed in the mud is rather naughty. Then it was on to the next adventure.
People started leaving, but one guy was sure to stay behind a little while longer. The older one of the brothers that share notches on my bed post. He had enjoyed watching me on my knees, scrubbing the floor after Blazes performance, and all I had to do was look into his eyes to know that he wanted a piece. Plus I was still extremely horny myself. Off to the bathroom we go, lock the door, and I drop to my knees for him again, this time to suck his cock. It was all really quick but we managed to squeeze in a couple of positions before someone started knocking on the door. He finished in my mouth, I gave him a big smile as I swallowed.
After I walk out I go straight for my friends bedroom, where I find one of my girlfriends all by herself with the lights off. Next thing I know I am licking her breasts, and biting her nipples, as my finger starts to slide inside her. It has been many years since I have eaten vag, and I did not remember it being so salty, but it was still oh so fucking sexy. She pulled out a nice glass dildo and some lube. I took turns fucking her pussy and her ass with it. We went at it for a good half an hour. Afterwards people started walking into the room, and I fell asleep.
My best buddy was not too happy about all of this since with me passed out in his bed he couldn't get any fucking done himself. Not that my unconscious body has stopped him before. So once everyone left this morning I gave him an apologetic blow job, which turned into some good old fucking, of course. He is still the largest cock that I have ever been with, and that is saying a lot. I think it was at this point that I realized my insatiable appetite, and that I had beat my own records of sluttyness that evening. Seriously, four partners in a matter of twelve hours? I think I deserve an award.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Drama mama
I had my date with Swag. The old school manners continued, and they better since he is 40, a grandfather, and takes care of his grandmother. I psyched myself out with a dating book prior to the actual date, so when we first met up I was fairly reserved. Me at my fullest is pretty darn raunchy, I sometimes talk like a frat boy, but since I am on a date I had to curb all of that back and be more lady like. He definitely has a raunchy side to him as well, he even gave it it's own name. So it was rather difficult keeping the jar lid tightly sealed, and not letting him know that I am thinking about dropping down in front of him and licking his crotch from bottom to top. He is anti PDA so since we said farewell to one another at a train station the good bye kiss was barely a peck. Next day at work he told me that he has had sex with one of the dancers and she squirted all over him. I asked how many of the dancers has he had sex with period, and his answer was 4. I guess the no touch policy only applies to in the club.
I am not sure how I love my job so much. Yes I get to hang out, drink, look at hot girls, flirt with guys, but I also have to deal with the type of drama that I endured during high school. Well I should not say type, since in high school I didn't have anyone accusing me of trying to force them into prostitution. But I am Buck Wild, and now I am part of the family not just some chick sucking the big guys dick.
I am not sure how I love my job so much. Yes I get to hang out, drink, look at hot girls, flirt with guys, but I also have to deal with the type of drama that I endured during high school. Well I should not say type, since in high school I didn't have anyone accusing me of trying to force them into prostitution. But I am Buck Wild, and now I am part of the family not just some chick sucking the big guys dick.
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
I am noticing something about myself. When it comes to just pure desire I go for the perfect physical specimen type. You know, they eye candy, those boys that when you see them in your bed you are just dumbfounded by how pretty they are. If they know how to fuck that is just an extra bonus. When it comes to actually dating somebody I look forward to the more Teddy bear types.
So I banged me a Teddy bear with the confidence of a pretty boy and it wasn't bad but it wasn't for me. Then I picked up a perfect pretty boy, one of those Greek god types. He was great, but unwilling to take direction, which really turned me off. I got bored. It was just fucking, it wasn't fucking my way. These are all guys that I picked up at work.
I have recently, like a couple of weeks, started talking to another Teddy bear. Let's call him Swag. Swag is unlike anyone that I can think of. He is well dressed. As much as I do not support hats in doors I always like his hats. He hangs out at a strip club and gets crunk all the time, yet he claims to have a no touch policy and I am pretty sure he works at some sort of correctional facility.
Swag is very old school, the type of guy that opens doors, yet he still manages ton pull off a little bit of gangsta and is very dominant, yet in a polite way. Strangely he is the type of guy that I could date, and I hate dating. Yet I can not help myself. We have our first date set for tuesday next week.
So I banged me a Teddy bear with the confidence of a pretty boy and it wasn't bad but it wasn't for me. Then I picked up a perfect pretty boy, one of those Greek god types. He was great, but unwilling to take direction, which really turned me off. I got bored. It was just fucking, it wasn't fucking my way. These are all guys that I picked up at work.
I have recently, like a couple of weeks, started talking to another Teddy bear. Let's call him Swag. Swag is unlike anyone that I can think of. He is well dressed. As much as I do not support hats in doors I always like his hats. He hangs out at a strip club and gets crunk all the time, yet he claims to have a no touch policy and I am pretty sure he works at some sort of correctional facility.
Swag is very old school, the type of guy that opens doors, yet he still manages ton pull off a little bit of gangsta and is very dominant, yet in a polite way. Strangely he is the type of guy that I could date, and I hate dating. Yet I can not help myself. We have our first date set for tuesday next week.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
I'm still working at the club, it's like fishing with dynamite as far as dudes go. There was Riko number one, once at his place and another time at mine. Then this week there was Riko number two, twice at night once in the morning. Both were pretty good and number two was crazy cute. I told him he fucks as good as he looks, and he looks damn good. As typical of pretty boys he was a bit too cocky, once he started barking orders I lost my boner. Guys around here seem to expect pussy and a sandwich, I expect them to get the fuck out of my bed in the morning. I even call and pay for their cab to get them the hell out.
Sunday, 13 March 2011
I have meant to write this, and I have, so here I go again. Just this time a little more drunk, and so probably more honest. Since january I have been working as a manager at a Gogo Bar. It has been a lot of ups and downs, and I am only just a couple of months in and have barely gotten my feet wet. The place is kind of ghetto, and by that I mean that I am usually the only pastey person in there. The funny thing is that I kind of like it. Someone once called me a nigger lover and I guess this proves them right. I have already given out my number a few times and already picked up a guy once. I am working on the second one currently. Interesting little thing; they both have the same name. But #2 is just thrice as cute.
The girls on the other hand can be a whole other story. I realize that I am far too lenient on them. Black women have intimidated me since I have moved to the states. The fact that I am able to get along with them as well as I can is just amazing enough to me that I do not want to press too many boundaries. I am realizing that to survive I will have to, they are stretching those boundaries as far as they can. One girl is so crazy that she ate fried chicken while on the side stage! There is one dancer whom I adore, but even she is testing what she she can get away with. We shall see if I can rise to the occasion, and be a true Leo.
The girls on the other hand can be a whole other story. I realize that I am far too lenient on them. Black women have intimidated me since I have moved to the states. The fact that I am able to get along with them as well as I can is just amazing enough to me that I do not want to press too many boundaries. I am realizing that to survive I will have to, they are stretching those boundaries as far as they can. One girl is so crazy that she ate fried chicken while on the side stage! There is one dancer whom I adore, but even she is testing what she she can get away with. We shall see if I can rise to the occasion, and be a true Leo.
Monday, 14 February 2011
Lip Service
Oh dear, oh dear. Actually I don't even know why I say that. Things have been going ok. The club is doing better and better, little by little. Oh yes, I never really did make the announcements. I have retired from being a hooker. It got boring, the joy that it used to bring me became overshadowed by the amount of energy it started to take for me to fake my enjoyment. I guess things just ran their course. Who knows, maybe in half a year, or a year, I will do a return tour. Maybe right before my birthday, I'll call it the Alice Birthday Tour! It would be brilliant, and then I'll take my sister on a nice vacation to Hawaii (or get my license back, whichever sounds like a better idea at the time). I think that being with H was a big influence on my mind set towards the business, and even though we are completely broken up now the change has already occured. I still keep in touch with many people from the hobby, I really have acquired many great friends, people that really care and that are always willing to help. I still answer the phones for an agency, but that is slowly diminishing as well, especially since I went on vacation (to Arizona, it was beautiful).
Shortly before I left for AZ I had a dream job fall into my lap. I am now the entertainment manager at a strip club! When I was in San Francisco, and was playing Mama-San at the Barbary Coast in the back of my mind all I really wanted to do was run a real strip club. I've always loved these naughty little establishments, but I was not a big fan of being on stage at one of them. When all of a sudden I get the news that I will be helping manage one, and in the end I ended up just taking the whole thing over. It's hectic, and I only half know what I am doing, but I full heartedly believe in fake it till you make it, and so far it seems to be working. The regulars like me, and are happy with the miniscule changes that I have made so far. The girls, while some are very ghetto, are pretty well behaved for the most part, and don't give me much trouble. They tried to make me jump through some hoops at first, but I put the obstacles to the trash. So far last Thursday was the craziest night. I had a lot of girls (7) and a ton of customers, sadly most of them were broke motherfuckers and weren't tipping. The first problem arose when one of the girls changed tampons in the locker room instead of the bathroom. NASTY! Second problem was when some dude spit on my shoes, made my blood boil. Then one of the girls kept flashing her pussy for chump change. The problem with that is: we are a go-go bar, all private parts (nipples and pussy) must be covered! Not only was it messing with the other ladies money but it could also get us shut down. The last issue of the night was that the girls weren't following the set rotation and instead would just jump up onto the stage whenver they felt like it. No bueno.
In the end the night stressed me out so much that I ended up going home with this guy that I picked up at the bar. We smoked a ton of weed and went to sleep. In the morning we bumped nasties for a bit and then I took a cab home. He's called me since, but I'm not sure if I will ever see him again. Too much hype, not enough backup. It is an upside to the bar that I now finally have some weed connects in the area, which is a blessing.
Friday was much calmer, and much more financially beneficial. Saturday on the other hand was completely dead. I am working on advertising, and I will need to bring my camera into the club so that I can take pictures of the place as well as the ladies.
On another note, I used to love clothes by Lip Service, but I just checked out the website and for some reason can not remember why I did.
Shortly before I left for AZ I had a dream job fall into my lap. I am now the entertainment manager at a strip club! When I was in San Francisco, and was playing Mama-San at the Barbary Coast in the back of my mind all I really wanted to do was run a real strip club. I've always loved these naughty little establishments, but I was not a big fan of being on stage at one of them. When all of a sudden I get the news that I will be helping manage one, and in the end I ended up just taking the whole thing over. It's hectic, and I only half know what I am doing, but I full heartedly believe in fake it till you make it, and so far it seems to be working. The regulars like me, and are happy with the miniscule changes that I have made so far. The girls, while some are very ghetto, are pretty well behaved for the most part, and don't give me much trouble. They tried to make me jump through some hoops at first, but I put the obstacles to the trash. So far last Thursday was the craziest night. I had a lot of girls (7) and a ton of customers, sadly most of them were broke motherfuckers and weren't tipping. The first problem arose when one of the girls changed tampons in the locker room instead of the bathroom. NASTY! Second problem was when some dude spit on my shoes, made my blood boil. Then one of the girls kept flashing her pussy for chump change. The problem with that is: we are a go-go bar, all private parts (nipples and pussy) must be covered! Not only was it messing with the other ladies money but it could also get us shut down. The last issue of the night was that the girls weren't following the set rotation and instead would just jump up onto the stage whenver they felt like it. No bueno.
In the end the night stressed me out so much that I ended up going home with this guy that I picked up at the bar. We smoked a ton of weed and went to sleep. In the morning we bumped nasties for a bit and then I took a cab home. He's called me since, but I'm not sure if I will ever see him again. Too much hype, not enough backup. It is an upside to the bar that I now finally have some weed connects in the area, which is a blessing.
Friday was much calmer, and much more financially beneficial. Saturday on the other hand was completely dead. I am working on advertising, and I will need to bring my camera into the club so that I can take pictures of the place as well as the ladies.
On another note, I used to love clothes by Lip Service, but I just checked out the website and for some reason can not remember why I did.
Thursday, 3 February 2011
Strippers in Movies
So I have a slight bone to pick with Hollywood over their portrayal of strippers. I noticed this while I was checking out "Our 15 Favorite Strippers in Movies". Almost all of the dancers in the movies are wearing regular heels. Not one of them is wearing a pair of 4" platforms, and I mean that's just four inches under the sole, that's like at least 8 inches in heel! But that is what my girls wear on stage, and that is about the same for all clubs that I have been to. If you see a girl on stage in regular heels then you can probably bet that she is new. But now to make my case, here are some pictures:

Demi Moore in Striptease
While I think the boots are really... gross, tacky, cheesey, it may just have been the time period, so it is forgiven, plus she gets props for at least having a platform.

Salma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn
While a truly memorable performance, (I look forward to getting drunk one night at the club and trying to pour liquor down a girls leg into some guys mouth) the girl got lazy and didn't even bother wearing shoes, but then again maybe the noise they'd make would scare the snake, and you don't want that. My I hate snakes.

Heather Grahm in The Hangover
Once again regular shoes, and to make it worse they're wedges, and I have a pair just like them.

Jessica Biel in Powder Blue
I must admit that I have never seen it, but now I am intrigued. Props for the platforms.

Lindsay Lohan in I Know Who Killed Me
Considering the movies won two Razzies I never have, nor will I ever see the movie. This sole, not counted as a real platform.

Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler
I really liked her in this, I really like her period. I didn't like the ridiculous hair, but hey, Jersey isn't know for it's taste in Hollywood. Not much of a platform but props for the shoes being clear, that is definitely a very popular thing (I even have a pair).

Natalie Portman in Closer
Adorable, simply adorable. Regular shoes though, even if they are really cute.

Rose McGowan in Planet Terror
I love this movie, I love her, I love Cherry, I love the shoes. They remind me of the shoes the girls wore in Dirty Dancing while they were learning to Hungry Eyes. Never the less, they are regular shoes.

Everyone in Showgirls
A whole lot of regular shoes, actually boots to be exact. Mama said if you've got nothing nice to say then don't say anything, so I'm being quiet
The Verdict:
Yeah, like I said in the beginning, not many actresses devote themselves fully to their roles as strippers in movies. While those platforms are difficult to walk in, I've done it up and down a hill, without any special training (other then having spent the last 5 years in at least 4inch heels). Their shoes are often very nice, but just not realistic. I still applaud all of them for taking on the role, yet I would like to see someone fully embrace it, maybe even learn some pole tricks.

Demi Moore in Striptease
While I think the boots are really... gross, tacky, cheesey, it may just have been the time period, so it is forgiven, plus she gets props for at least having a platform.

Salma Hayek in From Dusk Till Dawn
While a truly memorable performance, (I look forward to getting drunk one night at the club and trying to pour liquor down a girls leg into some guys mouth) the girl got lazy and didn't even bother wearing shoes, but then again maybe the noise they'd make would scare the snake, and you don't want that. My I hate snakes.

Heather Grahm in The Hangover
Once again regular shoes, and to make it worse they're wedges, and I have a pair just like them.

Jessica Biel in Powder Blue
I must admit that I have never seen it, but now I am intrigued. Props for the platforms.

Lindsay Lohan in I Know Who Killed Me
Considering the movies won two Razzies I never have, nor will I ever see the movie. This sole, not counted as a real platform.

Marisa Tomei in The Wrestler
I really liked her in this, I really like her period. I didn't like the ridiculous hair, but hey, Jersey isn't know for it's taste in Hollywood. Not much of a platform but props for the shoes being clear, that is definitely a very popular thing (I even have a pair).

Natalie Portman in Closer
Adorable, simply adorable. Regular shoes though, even if they are really cute.

Rose McGowan in Planet Terror
I love this movie, I love her, I love Cherry, I love the shoes. They remind me of the shoes the girls wore in Dirty Dancing while they were learning to Hungry Eyes. Never the less, they are regular shoes.

Everyone in Showgirls
A whole lot of regular shoes, actually boots to be exact. Mama said if you've got nothing nice to say then don't say anything, so I'm being quiet
The Verdict:
Yeah, like I said in the beginning, not many actresses devote themselves fully to their roles as strippers in movies. While those platforms are difficult to walk in, I've done it up and down a hill, without any special training (other then having spent the last 5 years in at least 4inch heels). Their shoes are often very nice, but just not realistic. I still applaud all of them for taking on the role, yet I would like to see someone fully embrace it, maybe even learn some pole tricks.
Monday, 24 January 2011
Tata says
It's nice to know that my tata still believes that I will find love one day. At least someone does.
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