Monday last week I hung out around town and then hung out with N. He was all upset about this chic leaving him, I was kind of horny, we hooked up in an attempt to cheer him up. To be honest, with all of his size, might, and skill, N still bores me in sex because we just do not have that sexual spark. It's very dry... haha! Actually I do eventually end up turning dry.
Tuesday morning J calls me and tells me he is coming over. I think that J is one of those dudes that could get any girl, but chooses not to, because really he always nuts quick as hell. Or maybe it's just because I'm so far above regular pussy that it's just with me. Oh well, he's so cute and not bad that it's easily forgiven. As long as we can go again that is.
Thursday night I hang out with A. I told him to fuck that pussy likes he owns it and he did. I came twice, once when he was behind, and the second time when I was on top. I fell over and said that I am done. He got this sad, confused, poute look on his face and with his hand on his dick said "But, but, but I'm not." Alright then, are you down for an experiment? Yes? Good. Give me five minutes and meet me in the living room. I got up, went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. Upon finishing I went into the living room, laid down on the couch with my legs hanging off the back, and my head the front. When he walked in I asked him to kneel in front of me, grabbed his dick and said "This goes here" as I pointed at my mouth. I then proceeded to coach and encourage him into mouth fucking me. You have to understand that A is very well endowed, and he is aware of his size, and while I love it, he in a way resents it. He told me once that he wishes he knew what it would be like to have your whole dick, top to bottom, in a girls mouth. I think he just hasn't found the girl yet, unfortunately I am not her, I hope that when he does find her he marries her. Back to the subject at hand tho, point is that A didn't want to hurt me, so he was being very gentle, I encouraged him to get rougher, it is supposed to be called throat fucking. Unfortunately I was very disappointed with my own performance, I blame it on the tonsils. I finished him off with a regular BJ, but you know that when I say regular it means exceptional.
Monday I go out to a bar with one of my girls. A couple of her boys meet us there, we start playing pool together, my girl and one of the guys are about to bounce, and guy #2 offers me a ride home. I gladly accept, no reason to spend money on a taxi if I don't have to. (Guy #2 = G2) We finish our game of pool, and he asks if I wanted to hang out back at his work (a local pool hall, yeah, of course he won the game, and he only used one hand) and watch a movie and put something in the air. Well shoot, this just gets better, not only do I get a lift home but I get to eat some blueberries? Shoot, this is a good night. We watched Alice in Wonderland, I was a lil bit drunk, and a bit out there, but I guess I was still cool cause we definitely ended up fucking on the pool table. I know, I know, I'm a hoe, but shit, we all know that if I was a man I'd be the shit if I got pussy the way that I get dick. I say FUDGE you and your double standards! Downside to all of this: I woke up with a hickey on each side of my neck. I hate hickeys! I hate turtle necks, and it is way to warm to wear a scarf and still be taken seriously.
Thursday I went to a local club with my same girl. She really is awesome people, and I am so glad that her and I are cool, even tho she got N all mangled. We're hanging out, waiting for some of her friends to show up, when out of nowhere Colin Farrell comes up to us and says hello. Ok, so it wasn't the real Colin Farrell but he could have been his brother. Mmmmmmmmmmmm, fine as hell, and Turkish. Turkish men are just so nice, and they treat their women so well. At the same time they hold them up to a higher standard. We spend pretty much the whole rest of the night together, well more like my girl and I spend the rest of the night together running wild and he was often by our side. Great kisser, no problems with erections like the last Turk I banged. Very passionate. After the club we went to where else? The pool hall, to go hang out with G2 of course. Can you say AWKWARD! I had to do my damn best to keep CF off of me as much as possible, so I started playing with the dogs, two pits, one of which is super hyper. I'm in a short skirt, the dog keeps jumping on me, and I get scratches all over my legs. Wonderful, I look like I got attacked by a wild beast. CF is really cute :)
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