Friday, 8 January 2010

up and down

Life is full of ups and downs. When one thing is going well something else has to be in the dumps.

Ups: A and I have been doing pretty well. It is a completely different relationship then I have ever experienced. I mean he treats me like a princess and is 100% gentleman, almost to a fult. As in we have been seing eachother for about a month now and we have yet to have sex. The very long makeout sessions on the couch are great, but going home with blue balls not so much. After discussing the situation with N he came to the conclusion that the boy is scared to dissapoint. If he only knew how easy to please I am. Or more if he only knew that I'm a pro and can make any man feel like a king. But he doesn't know, and he isn't going to find out.

Downs: Problems with my Citizenship application. If I get rejected then I will probably have to change my lifes plans. It's pretty crazy to have such a huge portion of my lifes faith in the hands of some stranger. Very uncomfortable. Work is really slow, which blows because it is screwing me with bills. I'm falling behind because of course my first priority is the money I owe to my folks. I'm pretty sure all my credit cards are behind, as well as my cell phone bill, and let's not even talk about the money I owe to the DMV, which for some reason just went up by $1000, and I have no idea why. Tho it might be because I forgot to go to court a couple weeks ago. Oooops.

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