Thursday, 26 November 2009

I have met some of the most awesome men thanks to my work and to BGFE. I have had the pleasure of enjoying Jet Skiing for the first time. Of free riding a horse on the weekends if I so desire, as well as some other stuff. But now the guys have really outdone themselves. One of the dearest guys that has seen me (only once mind you, tho he is planning another date next week) has started an "Alice Adoration Society". Currently it only has two member, but that is 2 more then 0, and that is very impressive to me. I am really honored. I mean it really makes me giddy inside when one after another the guys mention how beautiful I am, and how my beauty is still overshadowed by how smart and witty I am. Adoration is so nice.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


I have realized that I pretty much have no other choice but to move to New York. First there is my need to move to a major city so that I can once again rely on public transportation and not driving a vehicle (since I am well aware that I should not be allowed to do so). Then there is the work issue, and New York would be the easiest transition since many of the men that see me now would be able to continue to do so. Third there is school, which gives me only 2 options, NYC or LA. I really am not a fan of LA. Regardless, it all does not matter much right now, I still have at least 10 months before I can even think of moving.


I had a date with the sweetest potty mouth ever the other day. The things that came out of his mouth had me almost speachless, I really was completely charmed, and flattered, but completely unsure of how to answer.
"You have such a lovely little cunt"
"I love seeing my dick in your beautiful mouth"
"It feels so great to be in your sensual pussy"
Really, y0u can not beat this stuff. How could one not be flattered during such a session in the sheets.

I have also had my first run in with a high up local figure, with whom I have had the pleasure of meeting in my personal life. The funny thing is that we have also greatly clicked over the internet, on the board, unknowingly of our previous meeting. He didn't even recognize me until I reminded him, towards the end of the date. It was a very pleasant suprise, followed by another great meeting. Can't beat a great day at work. Only omitting the fact that a girl I went to high school was working at the front desk in the hotel.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

It's like you never had wings

With this economic bull crap, and the Governor elections work has been dead. I am hardly making any money, and had to revert to doing promos on the side so that I can maybe, just maybe pay my bills. It is rather upsetting when you make the decision to do something that brings so many complications into your life and you can not even do that because people are afraid. But I know that there are still girls that are making money, and very good money at that. Independent providers. So I have decided to make a pros and cons list for being an agency girl and a independent girl. Let's see which one wins, because it may determine my future.

Agency Pros

  1. Advertisement is paid for me

  2. Hotel room is paid for me

  3. Someone else has to keep track of the schedule

  4. Someone else screens the clients

  5. Someone else has to listen to the complaints
  6. There is always someone that knows where I am and who I am with in case something happens

Independent Pros

  1. I get to choose whom I do and do not see
  2. I get to choose where I go and what hotels I stay in
  3. Clients feel safer going to an Indy then to an Agency
  4. I choose my rate and get to keep all of it
  5. I choose my own schedule (allowing me proper time to eat, and refresh myself)