Wednesday, 23 December 2009


I did it, I did it, or I should say he did it, he did it! My patience has finally paid off. All this time spent reading that silly relationship, it couldn't be any worse then what i have been doing. Low and behold the damn thing actually works. A finally kissed me all on his own today. Phew, let me wipe the sweat off my forehead. It was a short kiss, and it only happened once, but it is still major progress. Especially for me, considering now I am definate that he is interested in me as more then just a friend. Now the next step is figuring out what that more is. I do hope it's not just booty, he doesn't seem the type, but one never knows and so the best thing is to assume that he is. Only way to find out is not to give it up and see how long he sticks around.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Old friends meet the new and improved Alice

All the work that I have been trying to do on myself seems to be paying off. Transformation is definately not complete, but it is right on schedule. Last night I went to a local bar with an old friend. We ran into another friend (I used to be really cool with his lil sis), and the drinking began. It was fun, good talks, good times. Since I walked to the bar the brother offered me a lift home, but instead he drove to a parking lot. I've got to admit that it was unexpected. In the bar he rambled about his awesome woman and his plan to propose. I declined, politely, multiple times. He eventually got the point and took me home, he apologized a bit later via text.

The point of the story is that knowing myself the old Alice would've probably went for it. He's not ugly, and I was drunk. Old Alice almost always went for it. But not the new and improved Alice.

Monday, 14 December 2009

personal condoms

You have to love sweet, clean, respectful clients. It amazes me when guys come in and completely exceed my expectations of kindness. I had a gentleman who came in, brought his own condom (made custom just for him, due to him having a rather small member), he got his thing on, it only lasted a few minutes, and he left.... It was perfect.

Last night I went on my first date with A. We have hung out alone a couple of times already, and since we have been having a really great time getting to know one another a date was in order. We went to my favorite restaurant, and ate some awesome food. Then we went back to his place and talked for hours. He is so genuine, and sincere, and kind that it just blew me out of the water. For like two hours I sat there plotting on how to get him to kiss me, or how to psyche myself up enough to kiss him. I eventually did, and it was great. I felt like a teenager. I was so nervous that I am amazed that my palms were not sweaty. He kissed me again. They were short but passionate kisses, and it seemed that if they were to continue things would progress. But they didn't, which completely threw my whole train off track. Wait what? We are alone in your house, I look amazing, we smoked some bud, I had a drink, and we kiss and.... nothing. Like really nothing. Other then smiles and some still upbeat yet slightly awkward conversation. Tho it was probably only awkward on my part. Never, and I mean never has this happened before. Of course I did not want things to progress, I'm trying to be good and stop my terrible habit of sleeping with guys right away and then trying to get to know them. It does not work, ever. But regardless I never thought it would be this easy, or more it has never before happened that a guy didn't at least try. They always try. But he didn't, he did not try a thing. Actually when he dropped me off and I was getting out the car and gave him a hug he turned his head so that I was not able to kiss him. Way to throw a stick in my wheel buddy.

The logical (hopefull) side of me is thinking that he is just this really amazing, respectfull guy, that does not want to take advantage of me and actually just wants to get to know me.

Then there is the paranoid side that thinks that I came on too hard, I gave it up too easy (but it was just a kiss!!!!!), and he thinks he's got it in the bag and no longer wants it.

Or maybe he just wants to be friends, he did just get out of a relationship. Grumble grumble. what is a girl to do?

Friday, 11 December 2009

work friends

I have gotten to spend some time with a few of the girls that work for (or did work for in one case) the same Agency as I. It has amazed me how different each one of the girls is. How different they look at things, how different their mindsets are, the different situations that they are in, and different backgrounds that they seem to come from.

The first girl I met had/has a pimp, she calls him her boyfriend, but any man that knows you're working, encourages it, even books you out and then takes most of your money is your pimp. Even more so if he is doing the same to other girls, including his baby mama.

The second girl has her own Agency back home, and is also dating a man that also runs an Agency. But he works his stuff like a pro and not like a pimp. She seemed to be very in control of everything, and had a very good grasp on how she wanted to live and stuck to it. I didn't neccessarily agree with it, she placed a monitary value on most relationship, especially ones involving men. All except her main man, who pays his dues in other ways, had to be filling her pocket as she calls it. Nothing comes free, and her pussy is gold, so ofcourse it deserves to be taken care of. She is so far my favorite of the girls that I've met, seems to have the best head on her shoulders.

The third girl is one that I have the least in common with I feel. She is a really sweet girl, but the more we talked, and the more we opened up to one another the more I felt like she was a bit jaded from the business. Then I realized that she has always had a very different relation with men then I have. A different understanding of what a relationship should look like. It seems to be working for her which is great, but I could not see myself that way.

I am not judging any of the girls, just taking note. I do not consider myself better then any of them, just different.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

I have met some of the most awesome men thanks to my work and to BGFE. I have had the pleasure of enjoying Jet Skiing for the first time. Of free riding a horse on the weekends if I so desire, as well as some other stuff. But now the guys have really outdone themselves. One of the dearest guys that has seen me (only once mind you, tho he is planning another date next week) has started an "Alice Adoration Society". Currently it only has two member, but that is 2 more then 0, and that is very impressive to me. I am really honored. I mean it really makes me giddy inside when one after another the guys mention how beautiful I am, and how my beauty is still overshadowed by how smart and witty I am. Adoration is so nice.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009


I have realized that I pretty much have no other choice but to move to New York. First there is my need to move to a major city so that I can once again rely on public transportation and not driving a vehicle (since I am well aware that I should not be allowed to do so). Then there is the work issue, and New York would be the easiest transition since many of the men that see me now would be able to continue to do so. Third there is school, which gives me only 2 options, NYC or LA. I really am not a fan of LA. Regardless, it all does not matter much right now, I still have at least 10 months before I can even think of moving.


I had a date with the sweetest potty mouth ever the other day. The things that came out of his mouth had me almost speachless, I really was completely charmed, and flattered, but completely unsure of how to answer.
"You have such a lovely little cunt"
"I love seeing my dick in your beautiful mouth"
"It feels so great to be in your sensual pussy"
Really, y0u can not beat this stuff. How could one not be flattered during such a session in the sheets.

I have also had my first run in with a high up local figure, with whom I have had the pleasure of meeting in my personal life. The funny thing is that we have also greatly clicked over the internet, on the board, unknowingly of our previous meeting. He didn't even recognize me until I reminded him, towards the end of the date. It was a very pleasant suprise, followed by another great meeting. Can't beat a great day at work. Only omitting the fact that a girl I went to high school was working at the front desk in the hotel.

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

It's like you never had wings

With this economic bull crap, and the Governor elections work has been dead. I am hardly making any money, and had to revert to doing promos on the side so that I can maybe, just maybe pay my bills. It is rather upsetting when you make the decision to do something that brings so many complications into your life and you can not even do that because people are afraid. But I know that there are still girls that are making money, and very good money at that. Independent providers. So I have decided to make a pros and cons list for being an agency girl and a independent girl. Let's see which one wins, because it may determine my future.

Agency Pros

  1. Advertisement is paid for me

  2. Hotel room is paid for me

  3. Someone else has to keep track of the schedule

  4. Someone else screens the clients

  5. Someone else has to listen to the complaints
  6. There is always someone that knows where I am and who I am with in case something happens

Independent Pros

  1. I get to choose whom I do and do not see
  2. I get to choose where I go and what hotels I stay in
  3. Clients feel safer going to an Indy then to an Agency
  4. I choose my rate and get to keep all of it
  5. I choose my own schedule (allowing me proper time to eat, and refresh myself)

Wednesday, 30 September 2009

I feel the change in you

So for a while now I have been aware of the fact that I need to change some things in my life. Realising that change in needed was the first step, but then I was stuck on that step for a really long time. I knew what I needed to do, but I didn't know how to go about it, or even how to start. I started out by slowing down a lot, not by choice, but due to limiations and out of need. This helped me take a look at my friends, and realize that they are a mess, and that maybe I should start surrounding myself more with people that are actually doing something. Maybe their motivation will also rub off on me. Then I messed things up with R by drunk dialing him like a mad woman. Things don't look very fixable, but then again it is probably for the best. I was a lot more into him then he was into me, and I wasn't able to keep up with his lifestyle. The situation did put two things in a little clearer perspective tho, one is my drinking, which needs to be subdued, and the other is how I interact with men in my private life. Changes are definately needed, I can not act the way I have been, but I do not know how else to act. I guess that is the next step.

Tuesday, 22 September 2009


So I was reading a polish version of newsweek while taking a bath, and low and behold comes out that there is a polish escort review/advertisement community, just like the one that I get reviewed on. The article talked about how it is slowly changing the face of prostitution. It is going from being mostly operated by the mafia and on the street, to being run out of nice apartments and privatized. Which is a really good thing, it allows for the girls to be safer, cleaner, and much more client oriented, which of course leads to greater customer satisfaction and the willingness to spend more on the girl.

It also spoke about how even the time of the meetings has slightly changed. While prostitution's rush hours were more of a late night thing now they have changed to a lunch time thing. Many men in the upper part of the middle class now schedule for during their lunch break, allowing them to go back to work refreshed, stress free, and ready to take on the day. The men often believe that their frustration is sexual, even tho during a study done on the ones that have been caught using sexual services it was found that the stress they were experiencing was almost all work and home related. I guess they can't tell the difference, and it's much easier to get laid then it is to fix things up with the misses or stand up to your boss. Which I guess is good for me.

Good for you my homeland comrades, I am glad that you get the work in the same great conditions as I do. Good to know that if I ever decide to move back I can continue my work in the same fashion. Tho the article did also mention that the Ukrainian girls have much better reviews then the Polish ones, and that Mulato and Indian girls are the most in demand. I guess none of this would apply too much to me since I am just about American by now. It seems a bit funny to call myself that, but after twelve years and not much contact or interest in where I come from what else would you expect me to say.

Saturday, 19 September 2009

I must say, I really do feel great about work. I am really starting to have a very regular stream of fellas, many new, but most very gladly say that they will be glad to repeat, and still a decent amount of regulars.

I have gotten some more reviews, which can only be better for me since they are all positive. One has even claimed me as his ATF (All Time Favorite). He was a very sweet gentelman, a bit older, but in great shape, and extremely appreciative of his life, which was extremely admirable. He was the first date ever to have given me a present (a box of Godiva Chocolates).

Sometimes it is very exhausting, yet in the end it is always very rewarding. It really is. I actually look forward to going in, and that is such a rare thing for anyone to be able to say about their work. I really am grateful.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

History repeats itself

Boys are so funny, they somehow always tend to come back.

A year and a half ago I was screwing one of the bartenders from my favorite bar. It was a spot that I would visit, like every single night. Fucking one of the bartenders was kind of inevitable. We had a nice run. He was sweet, tender, I remember us slow dancing to Radiohead after he told me it was their music that helped him get over his father dying from cancer. We would hang out at the bar after closing, drinking shots of Jameson. I helped him indulge in his fantasies. One time he asked me to tend bar for him topeless, a kind of dirty role reversal. It was fun, but as always somebody had to get emotionally involved, and this time it wasn't me.

He eventually moved away, and we lost all touch. Then a month or two ago I ran into him at a public function. He was pretty drunk by the time I got there, while I was completely sober. To say the least communication wasn't really happening. But today I get a text message to see how I am doing, and to let me know that I have been missed. How sweet, so long since he has seen me, super damn long since he has stuck his dick in me, and he still misses me. It almost breaks my heart, almost. I even got an invite to visit him, he's only like 4 hours away. I think he was flattered cause I saved his number, if only he knew I keep all numbers just because I don't like suprises.

Thursday, 3 September 2009


I crashed my car
Into a telephone pole
The scary thing is that every other time that I have crashed (3 times) I knew what happened, I knew what I did wrong, I had the ability to learn from my mistakes. But not this time. This time all I know is that I am driving on the road, and then I am driving half on the road and half on the grass, and oh shit there's a pole. BOOOOOOOOOOM.

The part where I went from road to grass is completely missing in my brain. I wasn't playing with a cell phone, I wasn't putting on makeup, I wasn't fucking with the radio... I was just thinking, I was just really deep in thought.... and I don't know. I really just don't. And it is freaking scary. I am so scared that I can't even stop crying, and I rarely cry, but I've been crying all day.

I feel so pathetic, so inferior, like such a loser. I feel like I should be locked away in a bubble and my body should be donated to science. Maybe after years of strenious study they will finally find out what is wrong with me. Hey, maybe I will even have a dissease named after me.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009


So since I have been hanging out with R I also get to hang out with his friends, which includes the girlfriend of a buddy of his. The girl is absolutely stunning, and bad ass to the bone. I truly commend his catching her, especially considering the dirt he has dated in the past (Oh the memories of a show where he proclaimed his love to some slut, proposed to her, tried to do a split and ripped his pants in half right in the crotch, boys in tight pants do not know how to behave). She also seems really cool, like just fun to be around, easy to talk to, decently intelligent, basically a potential girlfriend for me.

Now mind you I do not have many girlfriends, I can count them on one hand, and only one do I trust completely, but they are something that I enjoy. There are simply just some conversations that I feel dumb having with N or anyone else. I am not going to start gushing to him about the new cutie that I am seeing, I might mention it, but gushing is definitely out of the question. The amount of mockery that would ensue is not worth it.

Here within lies the problem: I love having girlfriends, I love girls nights, but I simply do not trust them. I see through their bullshit because I have done it all before. I have even given the benefit of doubt to tons of them and all have disappointed me in one way or another. It is bad enough that I no longer really trust people period, but with girls I am twice as cautious. I bite my tongue like it's a freaking twinki.

Girl on girl crime is more common then gun violence around these parts.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

The art fuck

Last friday I went to see an old friends art show in New Brunswick. I have not seen him, or the people he hangs out with in 5 years or so. Luckily other then growing up a bit they haven't changed much at all. I on the other hand have changed a bunch, but then again not really. They're all still into the punk scene, with the studded vests, chucks, tight pants on everybody, and band tees galore. Which is pretty awesome, if you find your niche might as well run with it and love it. My niche is everything, which is why I have such a large closet.

I get to the art show, and am instantly impressed with how awesome my friends work is. I remember him being really freaking awesome, and encouraging him to keep going, but never in my wildest dream did I think he would get this good. I quickly found him, congratulated, and complimented, and we started talking about the different pieces. He was pleasently suprised that I had actually showed up, you know how it is with people that you haven't seen in a while, full of good intentions but not enough drive. We were both really psyched that I did make the drive out. We ended up hanging out together for most of the night, till he asked me "Will you be my date for tonight?" to which I replied "With delight" and it became obvious that we were really hitting it off.

I helped him close up the exhibit and collect his art work, and we went back to his house. Low and behold he is a great fuck. As energized as the energizer bunny, he just kept going, and going, and going, till I just about passed out from ecstasy. I was not prepared for the amount of loving that he was willing to give, but I was excited for the possibilities that it provides.

I went to see him again last night, and we had another amazing evening/night. This time I came prepared and yet was still blow away by the vigor with which he fucks. If I say harder, he actually goes harder, if I say don't stop he doesn't stop. He really does hit all the right spots that I didn't even know were there. He fucks me so good that I feel like I'm floating. He's like the rearest of treasures that I have found to date.

Artistic, talented, softest pillowy lips, great body, fun attitude, so far so good, we'll see where this goes. From now on I shall call him R

Friday, 28 August 2009

It's still so strange. At the end of a work I day, on my drive home, or wherever else it may be that I am going, I sit and think: What did I accomplish today?
I made a guy cum with just one flick of my tounge, that was pretty cool.
My first client, but it was already afternoon. A bit short, indian, but born and raised in the US. The strangest things kept coming out of his mouth. After I blew him (kind of) he told me to rinse out my mouth because he doesn't want me to catch Aids.... hahahaha, just joking. Awkward.
"Do you smoke pot?"
"Sometimes, not often, why?"
"It smells like you smoked in here."
"No, I haven't, I don't even smoke cigarettes in the room."
"Well you shouldn't, especially not at work, it can slow down your responses, and you need to be alert."

"You should get better pictures?"

"Why don't you have reviews up?"

Yada yada yada with more and more advice on what I should not do as a hooker. Funny, I thought that I was doing a pretty good job already. He left me a $20 tip, which was a sweet gesture.

Monday, 24 August 2009

So this job has been very rewarding so far. I have met some very interesting men. My confidence has gone through the roof. Being told all of the time how beautiful I am is kind of going to my head, not much, but just a bit. I mean, even tho I have a gross looking eye because I burned myself (stupid story) men still stare into my eyes and tell me that they are gorgeous. How could a girl not blush?

It is also sharpening my discussion and conversation skills, as well as deepening my interest in things like politics, religion, psychology, and I feel like I should get into computers but it is just not sparking an interest. Since I try not to reveal too much from my personal life I discuss my beliefs, opinions, interests, etc. This has led to many comfortable pillow talking sessions, during which very interesting exchanges of ideas were had. Unfortunately those tend to be rare in my personal life, yet I very much enjoy them.

Then ofcourse there is the money, now I just need to make a bunch more of it.

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Lesson #3

I have come to the realization that I do not have the time, drive, or patience to do this on my own. It's Agency or nada. I need to be scheduled to work, otherwise I don't care to. Greed is the root of all evil and I am not greedy so the extra cash is not convincing enough.

I have also notice that this proffesion has made a lot more honest in my real life.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Ugh, so many things are going on. I've begun working at a new agency, and so far I am delighted, but it only has been one week. I had a photo shoot with their photographer, and the pictures came out fantastic in my opinion. Who knew that I could look that sexy, I mean really.

I'm also moving out of my parents house and in with my best friend. That shall be interesting. I wonder how many nights he will actually survive. Before I strangle him that is.

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

horse with no name

I have been spending a significant amount of time with K. He has met a couple of my friends. They like him. He's funny, which is really a big deal with me. He has a huge upper body, haven't taken out the time to check out the lower yet, even tho we were at the pool today, totaly should have. He's very smart, and he's aware of it, which I think is great. Makes for interesting converstaions. Well overall personality and looks are high up on the score board, but where he is at in his life is not. So now I have a dillema, do I keep seeing the guy because I like him, and he does gave goals, just not sure yet how much motivation he has. But he's also very respectful. Or do I quit because he doesn't fit all of my standards. Hmmmmmm.... I promised myself not to date anyone that didn't fit all criteria.

Temporary Solution: Cyber sex with V.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Taiming of the beast

So it looks like I was right. My now ex manager was full of shit. Tho he did teach me a very valuable lesson. Deal with situations like an adult, running away (especially if you owe someone money) is not the thing to do.

Tho I am still suspicious as to how the the screen in my window got opened. I guess I will have to blame it on the piglet, the silly cat that he is.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

I baked an amazing Rasberry Tiramisu the other day. It was deliscious.


So I have decided to leave the Agency that I was working for (I got hired by my top choice agency instead). I was sitting around thinking about how to break the news to the boss, and I knew the proper, professional way to go about it. But Yesterday while working something came over me. A thought, followed by a rush of adrenaline, and I quickly started packing my stuff. My room window looked out onto the front of the hotel and I would sneak out looks for arriving cars, etc. I grabbed my stuff and jetted for the elevator, out the door, and into my car. I turned my cellphone off and drove the hell out of there.

I realized that I did something really stupid, and I eventually turned my phone on. Had a bunch of voicemails (have yet to listen to them) an texts. He found my address and threatened to show up at my house. Realizing my mistake I explained that I no longer wish to work with him, I apologized for going about things the wrong way, and paid him back his money. He's asking for more, says I have 24 hours to give it to him, I don't owe him shit so I'm not paying, and after thinking about it I also decided that he's full of shit and wouldn't take the risk of coming to my house and breaking my windows like he claims.

Jesus christ I get into some dumb shit sometimes. Never a boring day when you're me. Ugh. I really do pray that this whole thing works out.

Friday, 17 July 2009


So now that my manager is going to jail he is going to have some other guy running the business. I'm not happy about this to say the least. My reaction to this is run, but the question is when, and where. Do I run now, like immediately, or do I wait for him to actually be in jail. Do I find another agency or do I got independent. I really don't think that I have the time to go independent quite yet. So I guess I will reopen my search for a proper agency.

Lesson #1

For a while I have been writing down notes on the notepads in hotels and just never got around to posting them on here. So the next few entries are just that.

Never work unless you are 100% positive your period is over. It is not pleasant for either side, it gets you bad reviews (the only bad review that I have gotten)

Lesson #2
If you say you are going to work then work. People get upset and will no longer want to see you cause you're a flake, so don't be one.

Monday, 13 July 2009

Things are so strange. Normally I have a pretty good time at work, nice older gentlemen, breaks, naps, meals. But the last time I worked I switched cities (further from me, closer to a major city) and hotels (major downgrade, Hilton was all booked up), and it also switched my clientele style somehow. I had much younger guys for the most part, and they were all a bit... unsure, reserved, and they all talked way too damn much, and it wasn't intelligent conversation either, it was all...
"How does that feel?"
"You like that?"
"Will you remember my name?"
blah blah blah blah blah... who the fuck cares? All I want is for you to enjoy yourself, have a good time, pay me, and get the fuck out. Luckily tho my rate has gone up. YaaaaaaaaaY.

Hopefully today will be a better day, and if it's not well then I'm only at the hotel till 5 so at least it will be short. Then it is on to job #2, I love working multiple jobs in one day, no really, I do. HA, what a joke. I can't wait to be done with this shit, I'm just not sure which shit to choose yet.

Having a minor problem with my manager, i.e. he is going to jail soon. .......... Yeah exactly. At least it is nothing business related, otherwise I would've been long out of his reach just like I was with the other dude. Oh jolly oh gee.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Today was a terrible day. Made even worse by the pointless drive to Atlantic City (what a waste of gas) and the fact that my future husband didn't return my phone call. :( I really do like the guy, I only called once, didn't leave a message or anything. Now I am freaking out that he thinks he's got the whole thing in a bag and doesn't need to do anything. Well fella, just cause you're tounge touched my puss and I moaned does not mean you own me. But with just a little bit of effort you could have the most amazing girl you've ever been with. I hate cocky guys for not realising how good they could have it being it with me, but I adore the shit out of them for being cocky. But just cause puss gets thrown at you all the time does not mean you will ever find puss as good as mine.

Oh the magic of text messages. I just sent him one and he responded instantly. My poor Future Hubby is getting sick :(. It's crazy, the moment I like a guy I turn into mother theresa and am willing to wait on them hand and foot. Like if the told me right now he feels like crap I would be over there ASAP with meds and chicken noodle soup (homemade).

Friday, 3 July 2009

toucha toucha toucha touch me

It's amazing how easy it is to tell when a person is starved for touch. The moment you lay your hands on them you can feel it all release. A relaxing massage, delicate kisses, and they're putty in your hands. Just holding someone can do more for them then a bj without heart.

On antoher note I think I met my future husband last night. He is so manly I just want to rip his shirt off and ravish him in one piece. He got really hungry as we were waiting for our friends outside of their apartment so he got down on his knees, lifted my skirt, pulled down my panties and started munching. Till we were interupted that is.

Friday, 26 June 2009

days go by and still i think of you

So yesterday was another day of incall work. It was very nice. I had two repeat dates. Which was wonderful. And a really sweet Australian cutie to finish off with. I called him my dessert.

Whomever came up with the idea to allow people to deposit their money via the ATM deserves a blow job. Seriously. What a brilliant idea, I can now just drive up to the ATM, deposit my stacks of cash and go. Never even having to look at anyone, or find an excuse to tell the bank teller why is it that I come in every couple of days with a wad of cash.

Last night I ended up having some fun with N. I guess our once a year hookup got upgraded to twince a year. It started out by him teaching me the proper way to put on a condom, moved to us testing out how much more accepting my a-hole has become (the answer is very, since N is an extremely well endowed man) and finished in just regular fun.

While I had an hour to myself yesterday I decided to take a trip over to the Hotel bar for a drink and some food. Jameson Manhattans are always deliscious, and the shrimp fettucini with cashews and corn was also amazing. Chatted up a cutie, but he was there visiting his girlfriend, who workes at the Hotel and popped in a few times to check on him. She didn't seem very happy about us talking, even tho I did introduce myself to her right away.

Am starting to check out apartments in the area. I need to stop spending money uselessly first. But tonight I'm gonna be sipping on some $36 Firefly Sweet Tea. Yum.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

The story of N

My best friend N and I have the strangest relationship. He considers me to be one of the boys, and I consider him almost like a gay guy (he is a total bitch. one time he scratched up his knee and then was whining about it for like 2 weeks. bitch). We constantly tease one another. It has especially escalated since I've gotten my piercing. But we did used to have sex. For a little while we would hook up occasionally, he even came with me to my prom and we got a trashy motel room after, it was great. It was totally awesome, no strings attached fun for a while, till I eventually felt like I might be catching some feelings and decided to distance myself. At which time he got back with his ex. We've hooked up many a times since, but the feelings never returned, thank goodness. Now don't get me wrong, I consider N to be the love of my life in a way because he is one of only 2 (non-family) people that I know that I want to be a part of my life for the rest of my life. Over time I even started loosing my attraction to N little by little, and so now our sexcapades have dropped to maybe one every year. We keep them kind of secret, as in we don't really talk about them. I mean it would be kind of embarrassing to admit that I has sex with a lil bitch, and that N banged out a total dude.

Monday, 22 June 2009

It's funny. When I'm with a guy on my own time then they are luck enough just to get me into bed (not that it is that difficult), but when I am with a client it is completely different. They did not get me into bed, they paid me into it. So when I am with J for example i don't think about how much he is enjoying it. I know that as long as I am enjoying it so is he. With a client tho it takes some more concentration. I have to pay attention to his breathing, the noises he makes, flinches of his body. I tend to keep my eyes closed, even tho I have noticed that they like it when I don't. Doggy is always a favorite cause amongst all my hair they can't see my face. Lube is a blessing. I'd be (un)screwed without it.

It is very pleasant when a customer wants me to be happy as well. Strangely enough I cum at work more often then in real life. finger play and cunnilingus only tho.

The older gentleman like to make love. The sweet sensitive kind. The guys I sleep with on my own tend to fuck for sport, which is great in it's own way. The tossing and turning, and pounding, and sweating. When you're done neither one can breath, let alone walk.
I have noticed that I keep my phone between my legs when I drive. After some thought I came to the conclusion that it totally is on purpose.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

So I think I might start going to All Ameican Rejects concerts, but only to stare at the leader singer and his pretty pretty eyes.... I'd bring ear plugs with me.
Work is definately helping me get over some discrimination issues. I will say that I am not that fond of ceartin cultures, but once I am in that room it does no really matter. It's not like I can tell the manager "I will not see this guy because he is a ___________". Due to this I have actually been pleasently suprised.

One fellow whom I was reluctant about was the first man to find my g-spot, and he thoroughly enjoyed teasing it.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

So as an explanation to why I'm upset with J.

He was supposed to come by on Tuesday and stay a couple of days. The manager had asked me to work that morning so I had a room in a 3Star Hotel to myself in the evening. What a perfect coincident.

I was aware of this ahead of time so I made sure to make him aware that I had something special in mind for when he gets here.

In the morning on the way to work along with some necessities for the morning I also picked up some stuff for him for the morning after so that he can be all fresh and spiffy (i.e. shirt, boxers, deodorant, toothbrush).

Around 6 I get a text I'll be there around 11 or so, ok that works out fine. Well 11 rolls around and no sign of J. 11:30 rolls around and so I decide to call him, no answer. Midnight strikes and I call again (needy, I know, I only ever do it on a rare occasion, and I usually regret it)

"Hello?" A girls voice... oh really?

"Hi is J there?"

Girl mumbles something away from the receiver

"He's sleeping."

"Oh, ok, thank you, bye."


A little later I talked to my friend A who did manage to get J on the phone and found out that he will be in a day later. That's nice. I asked A, his girlfriend, and best friend to join me in the Hotel for a Jager/Spades party (I had bout a bottle of it for J). it turned out being a blast so the morning did end on a happy note. And I am quick to forgive.

Too quick if a good lay is involved.

It has been such nasty weather outside for weeks, and today it is especially grey. I decided to call out of work, claiming food poisoning from bad sushi. I'll do tomorrows lunch shift, all day Saturday, and maybe Sunday. Tonight... well tonight I think I'm going out dancing. And gosh darn it I do plan on dancing. Maybe a little bit of drinking will be involved as well, hopefully I won't get into any more trouble.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

This morning I drove into the sunrise. Or at least I drove during a sunrise. Back home, to my Stalinesque father and my extremely comfortable bed. Funny, no matter what, in the end I always much rather sleep in my own bed then anywhere else, even if that somewhere else is a very nice hotel room. Now if I can only move my bed out of my parents place into my own place. Which means that I really need to stop unnecessarily blowing money.

J once again turned into a great dissapointment, for the millionth time. I don't know why I keep falling for his bullshit all over again. I mean, yes the dick is great, and he sure is a cutie, he talks real pretty, but it's all a facade. He fucks well cause he fucks every chick he meets. Regardless, he missed the suprise that I set up for him (which I really did put a lot of care into) and now I'm over it, if he doesn't give a fuck then why should I. At least I finally got my watch back, so in reality I no longer have a need to keep contact with him. He's about to join the X phone list.

Had my first slightly freaky guy at work. I spanked him so hard that his ass was beet red and my hand tingled. It was fun. He started getting rought with me, but I was not down, sorry, not trying to get bruises.

Sunday, 14 June 2009

Curiosity killed the cat but I'm sill alive somehow

So I went on a couple of websites and checked out my reviews. Luckily they were all really nice and sweet and honest. I'm glad that the boys were all happy, as silly as it may be it means a lot, cause I really would much rather have repeating clients than not. I hope that the manager agrees with me. Funny guy that manager is, funny guy. Regardless I'm glad I have off today.
Today is starting out as a really awesome day. So far it has consisted of a pussy and eyebrow wax, new shrit from Anthropologie, makeup stuff from MAC, Betsey Johnson sunglasses, and dinner at Red Lobster with my mom. Now it is time for a nap.
Awwwwww, J is melting my heart all over again. Not only have the past few days that I have spent with him been wonderful, but he just called me from back home just so that I know where he is and that he's ok. How is it that he is capable of charming me to death. Like I've told him before, he could bewitch the panties off of a nun. I simply can't let him go, him and T are both just such amazing guys that they make my legs into butter and I am unable to fend for myself.
So first day at the new Agency.

My manager is really cool, we get along great. He's absolutely hilarious and has a very similar attitude as me. Kind of like me with a penis, and just as crazy. I wish I could introduce him to N, he'd idolize the dude. But that will never happen. Separate lives.

I have quickly learned that anal is the new blowjob. Now that everyone has convinced their wives and girlfriends to give them head they need to see what else they can convince us is fun.

Well I'm paid, so of course I'll do it (for extra fees of course), and while I may moan and groan and act like I'm in heaven... it's all a lie. NO IT IS NOT ENJOYABLE. It's not the end of the world like I used to think it was, but it's not really something that I get up in the morning and am all YaaaaaaaY about. It hurts, it gets sore quickly, and what the hell ever gave you the idea that I want you to shove your finger up my ass. I don't. You having your finger up there does absolutely nothing for me, and it does nothing for you either since hello, it's your finger. If you have to put something up there at least let it be your dick so that you can enjoy it or your tongue so that I can enjoy it. Cause come to find out getting your ass eaten is pretty cool.

What's even better is men that loooooove to eat pussy and are good at it. I already came like 3 or 4 times (just from cunnilingus).

What a great job I have.

And the french onion soup is also Delicious.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009


I got a gig with a respected agency! So freaking exciting! I start Thursday. Till then I get to enjoy the company of J, that's if he does actually show up, since he says he will all the time and then never does. But seriously. On Thursday I shall be able to pay my cell phone bill, and hopefully even pay off some of my credit card debt. I'll work again Saturday and Sunday, and then I'll be able to pay the insurance company. After that it's smooth sailing for savings to move out of this house. I know I'm kind of taking the easy way out... but it works for me, and if I can achieve all the things that I want to achieve with it then GREAT!

Monday, 8 June 2009

the kitty blond

So I finally had the talk with what's his face about ending my business affiliation to him. He wasn't very happy about it. Too bad, I really don't care that much. I can do the same thing without him, and I can even keep all the money to myself this time.

Au Revoir mon cher.

Well at least I got a pedicure today. And at least I wont be late to N P anymore. And I won't be out all kinds of crazy hours in hopes that oh maybe if the world is kind I will make some money. Oh yeah now I will also only be paying for my own advertising, and not someone elses. Now I just hope that Cherry calls me back, and if not... well then someone will damn it.

But I'm happy. Once I got over the nervousness everything was great. My first date couldn't have been sweeter.
We talked about our heritage
got undressed
suck, lick, fuck, repeat
I must have done pretty good since it ended with an I love you.

The second, third, and fourth date were all like... 15 minute shebangs.
It was during those that I realized that a. this is a really easy job where b. you can provide great customer service very easily. Which is why I don't understand people that feel the need to rip others off. Stealing from customers, cutting the time short, etc are all completely unnecessary and trashy.

I dunno

I feel like if you provide the customer with amazing service, and they leave with a huge smile on their face then everyone wins. He got what he paid for, and I most likely have a repeat customer, which would be soooooooo much better then having to look for new ones all the time. Or maybe that's just me, call me crazy.

I dunno, but it's getting late and Cherry still hasn't given me a ring (the phone kind) so I think that I will try and make some money on my own. Hopefully it will work out.

The beginning

So last week I called up this guy who was going to set me up on a couple of dates. I met up with him and he seemed cool enough. Very smooth talking. I never fully trusted him, thank god. So we got to work together. 3 other girls were dating with us as well. 2 were ok, 1 was awesome. I spent like 4 days with them, there were good moments, and there were bad moments, it ended on a bad note. I did get some dates, but it was completely thanks to me, all he really did was motivate me, which I guess is helpful, but I still did a way more then he did, and he took half the credit. He also disregarded my wishes, and pushed me toward exhaustion. Which could have cost me a lot.

Regardless it's over now, I no longer plan on working with him. Instead I plan on working with a woman, and if that doesn't produce all results needed I will also work on my own.

Friday, 5 June 2009

....... so I'm like officially a hooker, a call girl, whatever you call it. As in I have delibaretely made a date with a man for the purpose of him paying me to have sex. It was the easiest money I've like ever made, and for my first trick the guy was a peach. Sweet, funny, direct, easy, and with a small dick.